The BLAST Technique® Association
The BLAST Technique® (Bi-Lateral Analysis and Stimulation Treatment) started its incarnation in 2008 with its creator, leading International Hypnotherapist and Media Body Language Expert Nick Davies who managed to speed up the process and efficacy of PTSD and trauma treatment for an all-round better and more efficient experience for the client and therapist.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) was the probably the most effective tool out there for dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Trauma, but as with anything, things develop, change and improve over time.
Nick Davies’ BLAST Technique® has been described as “EMDR on steroids!”, it has been created, developed and refined to work faster and more effectively with PTSD and trauma utilising the brain’s natural processing systems, rather than only using ‘bilateral stimulation’ or being a ‘confusion technique’.
It has now been effectively used thousands of times by hundreds of trained BLAST® and Advanced BLAST Technique® Practitioners in the UK, USA, Africa, UAE, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Estonia, Iceland and the Czech Republic.
As seen in
It draws from some of the research of, (but not limited to), neuroscientist and neuropsychologists Joseph LeDoux, Peter Naish, Ksenja da Silva, and NLP co-creator John Grinder. The BLAST Technique® utilises several treatment modalities to create what we, our students and clients believe, is the fastest, most natural and effective treatment for this chronic, yet curable condition.
Nick is also known as “The PTSD Whisperer” because his specialism in treating these conditions permanently in the most rapid and effective manner.
He has had clients travel from as far as Australia, USA, Saudi Arabia and Europe for treatment, and also many of his fellow therapists across the UK send their most difficult cases to him and as one said recently to their client “If Nick can’t fix it, it can’t be fixed!”.
If you want to work one to one with Nick to resolve your PTSD, trauma or any other psychological issues, go to his personal therapy website
PTSD, complex PTSD and trauma from:
Diagnosis of Life-Threatening Illness
Other conditions:
Discover root cause of feelings/emotions.
The BLAST Technique® in the media
I also write regularly for the media, I’ve had over 300 articles and interviews published in magazines, newspapers and been interviewed on TV and radio many times, here is a small sample.